Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kari and Mike

The wedding of Kari and Mike took place in Marshall, MN on Saturday, June 25th. The weather that day was calm and beautiful in the morning and pretty rainy with a few tornado warnings that night. But that didn't stop us from getting beautiful photographs! We went to Independence park with the couple and their wedding party. The park perfect setting for the couple. Then, we traveled to a small Dairy Queen in town for some totally fun and cute photos! After the ceremony is when things started to get a little interesting. All of a sudden the rain started coming down in buckets and the wind picked up greatly. The tornado sirens went off and everyone was back in the church, even the horses that were going to pull the getaway wagon! In the end it was a beautiful day and the couple definitely has a great story to tell! Be sure to watch the preview video! Congratulations Kari and Mike!

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